Custom Linux C/C++ acceleration scheme

To use a compile acceleration service, you first need to customize an acceleration scheme.

Step1 Go to BKCI and navigate to Services → Compile Acceleration

Step2 Enter the solution configuration

Solution configuration includes:

  1. Scheme name: As the identification name, you can fill in such as "xxx personal acceleration", "Daily Build Acceleration", "Builder Package Acceleration" and so on.

  2. Acceleration mode: Select the acceleration mode to be created. Once created, the acceleration mode cannot be modified

  3. Scheme description: You can write some remarks or instructions here.

  4. Compilation environment: Select the corresponding compilation environment according to your local environment. If there is no compilation environment in the list, please contact the administrator quick support.

  5. Enable ccache: Select whether to enable ccache as required. If this option is enabled, the system prioritises ccache locally.

  6. Priority scheduling region: Select the nearest scheduling region based on the local environment.

Step3 Submit registration and obtain the exclusive scheme ID

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