Getting Started with BK Documentation

BK Getting Started Using Documentation

1. Create a user

The user information in BK environment can be added, deleted, and checked in "User Management". The following figure shows.

1.1 Adding users

1.2 Modify user information

Related study materials.

  • document: document is the community version, and the enterprise version is basically the same function)

  • video:

2. Create a business

Enter the "Configuration Platform", where you can manage the "Business-Host".

2.1 Creating a business

2.2 View the modules and hosts of the business

如果没有看到刚创建的业务,点击页面左下角的“刷新应用”,再重复「步骤2」、「步骤3」即可 然后就看到我们刚才创建的业务的信息了。

3. Create a permission group to associate users with the operation rights of the business in the platform

Here, you need the admin account to add permissions to the business, in order to facilitate the subsequent operations related to the business, we recommend using "Create permission group", and then associate the "user" to the "permission group ".

3.1 Create a "Configuration Platform Template for Business Permissions "


后续会推出“对应角色(如:运维、开发)推荐默认配置”的版本,现用版本需要手动勾选 然后为刚才选择的“权限”关联对应的“资源实例”

3.2 Create a "business permission group "

4. Add a host for your business

Go to the home page and click "Node Management".

5. Managing hosts in the Configuration Platform

Next, we will deploy a service called "dataserver" on the newly added host. To make it easier to manage it, we will create some information on the "configuration platform" first.

5.1 Create a set (cluster) and module

6. Deploy dataserver service using "Job Platform"

6.1 Upload local files to the host

6.2 Deploying services using "script execution"

cd /data
yum install -y gcc python39-devel bzip2-devel sqlite-devel openssl-devel readline-devel xz-devel tk-devel gdbm-devel

mkdir -p /data/corefile
chmod 777 /data/corefile
echo 'ulimit -c unlimited' >> /etc/profile
sed -i "/^kernel.core_pattern =/d" /etc/sysctl.conf 
echo 'kernel.core_pattern = /data/corefile/core_%e_%t' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

tar zxvf Python-3.9.4.tgz 
cd Python-3.9.4
make && make install
make clean && make distclean

mkdir -p /data/app
pip3 install Flask
pip3 freeze > /data/app/requirements.txt
cat > /data/app/ <<EOF
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello, World'

cd /data/app
nohup python3 -m flask run >/dev/null 2>&1 &

7. Monitoring hosts and processes using the "Monitoring Platform "

7.2 Monitoring platform configuration alarms

Last updated