Contributing to bkci document

In the process of writing, it is inevitable that there will be some imperfections. We hope that you can help us to continuously improve the quality of the document and help more people.


Submit an Issue or Pull Request on GitHub at

Document specification

  1. The document is written in markdown syntax

  2. Pictures shall be placed .gitbook/assets and the name of the picture shall not be the same as that of the existing picture

  3. Only upper and lower case letters, numbers, -, and _ are allowed in the picture name

  4. The co-creator can launch PR for the master branch, and the administrator will review the PR Document co-construction process

1. Fork repository

2. Clone

Before cloning the repository, ensure that the repository you fork out is consistent with the source repository. If you are behind the source repository, consider 'Fetch Upstream' first, as shown in Step 4 git clone

3. Change & Commit

cd /path/to/document
git config "${your github username}"
git config user.mail "${your email}"
echo "add xxx" > # simulates the operation of editing a documentgit commit -m "add xxx"

4. Fetch upstream

5. Git pull

In addition to synchronizing the latest code on the page, synchronize the latest code in the local repository Updating native code (it is recommended that you perform a git pull every time you modify a document) :

git pull #If a conflict cannot be merged, resolve the conflict, merge, and resubmit

6. Git push

git push -u origin master

7. Pull request

Last updated