Create/Edit a pipeline

Create/edit pipeline

  1. Assembly line crumbs: There are two click events

    • Click on the pipeline name: Quickly access the pipeline execution history

    • Click the small triangle to the right of the name: Quickly switch to another pipeline

  2. Assembly line editing labels, which can switch between assembly line layout pages and basic Settings:

    • Pipeline layout area: see 3

    • Pipeline basic setup:

  3. Assembly line arrangement area: abide by core concept of assembly line visual orchestration area

  4. Pipeline operation area, including the following common operation set:

    • Save: For each save click, a format version number incremented from 1 is generated, which can be used for rollback

    • Execution: Generates a snapshot pipeline task based on the current orchestration version number

    • Rename: Renames the current pipeline name

    • Favorites: Bookmark the current pipeline, which can be viewed in the My Favorites view

    • Export: Export the current pipeline as JSON, which can be imported when creating a new pipeline (across different projects)

    • Copy to: Copy a new pipeline "old pipeline name _copy" based on the current orchestration version number of the current pipeline

    • Save as template: Saves the orchestration of the current pipeline as a pipeline template

    • Delete: Soft delete, will be put into the pipeline recycle bin

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