View CodeCC Reports

Click the result number of pipeline code inspection to jump to the codecc details page, which will show the specific code problem and the severity of the problem. Click "Location" to locate the specific location of the code problem

Click on "Problem Location" to quickly locate the specific location of the code problem. Developers can manually fix the code problem, if the problem has been fixed and committed to the next commit, click on "Flag processing", and if the next review still has the problem, it will be highlighted

If the rule does not match the design of the developer or does not conform to the code style of the developer, you can choose "ignore the problem" if you think that there is no need to pay attention to the scanning of the problem. If the problem is ignored, it will not appear in the unfixed list

The "Data Report" feature for code issues allows you to observe trends in the results of multiple code reviews

The overview shows statistics about the code review

Last updated