
Q1: Common causes of error associated with GitLab code base

  1. Use Personal Access Tokens instead of project tokens.

  2. Make sure that Access_Tokens are given permissions when they are generated. The corresponding API permissions must be included.

  3. If it is self-built GitLab, please confirm whether API of "repository/branches" is available.

  1. If GitLab is accessed using https. Check whether http - >https is performed in the code base. BKCI defaults to http for code base access.

If no skip is performed, please click this temporary solution to modify the BKCI file:

vim /data/bkce/etc/ci/application-repository.yml

#修改application-repository.yml文件,把apiUrl 修改为 https
#gitlab v4.

Restart bk-ci-repository.service

systemctl restart bk-ci-repository.service
  1. SSH association times are incorrect

SSH BKCI of this version cannot be resolved. If this error occurs, you are advised to use HTTP for association.

Q2: Failed to associate the GitHub codebase

There are still some issues with BKCI's connection to GItHub. If you must use the GitHub codebase, follow this method. How do I associate the GitHub codebase

Last updated